Strength in change


At HLP Hirzel & Partner, we have been suc­cessfully advising com­panies in the private sector as well as public and social orga­nizations for many years.

Our under­standing of con­sulting aims at long-term, part­nership-based client rela­ti­on­ships with a high culture of trust between con­sul­tants and clients. We do not sell ready-made con­sulting pro­ducts but offer approaches, con­cepts, pro­ce­dures and working methods which we develop further with our clients and adapt to their spe­cific needs.

We are driven by a genuine, always per­sonal concern to improve the effec­ti­veness and effi­ciency of our clients’ orga­nizations, to enhance their management competence.

We focus is on the fol­lowing per­for­mance areas:

  • Strategy and business unit management
  • Orga­nization and process management
  • Change and per­for­mance management
  • Inno­vation and project management

Books (in German)

How business and service areas can put a stronger focus on cus­tomer needs, how they can be made per­ma­nently suc­cessful, and how strategy can be imple­mented as a top down and bottom up movement. Learn more …

In orga­nizations, many pro­jects are running simul­ta­neously, but often there is no overview. What is their importance and urgency? How much human and investment capacity do they tie up? Learn more …

Increased com­pe­tition and scarce resources do not stop at the internal areas of the company or non-profit orga­nization. What is their con­tri­bution to the whole? Learn more …

On the incre­asing pro­fes­sio­na­lization of huma­ni­tarian NGOs in Germany. Mission and management combine for effective and suc­cessful action – espe­cially in huma­ni­tarian crises and dis­asters. Learn more …

Partner in the HLPgroup

HLP Hirzel & Partner is a partner of the HLP­group, an asso­ciation of dif­ferent con­sulting com­panies that com­plement each other and share a common code of conduct. The com­ple­mentary group com­bines the extensive con­sulting spectrum and the bundled com­pe­tence of several expe­ri­enced con­sul­tants from dif­ferent fields. This allows our clients to call on indi­vidual con­sul­tants for spe­cific ser­vices or to call on a team of several HLP con­sul­tants from dif­ferent areas of expertise to implement more complex projects.

The far-rea­ching network of the HLP­group offers clients the oppor­tunity to exchange infor­mation across com­panies and to obtain infor­mation through lec­tures, con­fe­rences, retreats, or publications.


Mastering chal­lenges together

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