HLP Hirzel & Partner Management Consultants
Methods of operation
Developments and perspectives
Change, increasing borderlessness and fragmentation make people look for fixed stopping points, social integration and new development. For companies and their employees, this means that merely “functioning” is no longer enough.
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Consulting and responsibility
For us as management consultants, co-responsibility means: connecting people, teams, organizations and cultures, shaping development processes jointly and interactively, and respecting diversity.
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Together with our clients, we find the best way to develop management competence, to solve problems and to achieve new performance in the organization. Different consulting approaches can be suitable for this, individually or in combination.
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Mandate and cooperation
From the first contact to the result, closely coordinated and reflected: How we clarify the task with you, explore approaches, shape collaboration, create movement and open up new perspectives.
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Mastering challenges together
Developments and perspectives
Developments happen dynamically and in spurts, are characterized by hopes and resistance, movement and persistence. People and organizations, societies and cultures are changing faster than ever before and are interconnected in global change.
New polarities are emerging: Standardization, boundlessness, fragmentation and loss of contour on the one hand. Needs for creative development, self-realization, identity, social integration on the other.
Companies and institutions meet complexity with the tried and tested instruments of the industrial and information age, with multidimensional structures and overarching work processes – and thus also come up against the limits of their development possibilities.
For our work as management consultants, this means:
- Creating spaces for new ideas, topics, and creative initiatives
- Connecting people, teams, and organizations
- Designing interactive development processes
- Allowing tensions and working with differences
- Mirroring concepts and reality against each other again and again
Consulting and responsibility
Developments happen dynamically and in spurts, are characterized by hopes and resistance, movement and persistence. People and organizations, societies and cultures are changing faster than ever before and are interconnected in global change.
New polarities are emerging: Standardization, boundlessness, fragmentation and loss of contour on the one hand. Needs for creative development, self-realization, identity, social integration on the other.
Companies and institutions meet complexity with the tried and tested instruments of the industrial and information age, with multidimensional structures and overarching work processes – and thus also come up against the limits of their development possibilities.
For our work as management consultants, this means:
- Creating spaces for new ideas, topics and creative initiatives
- Connecting people, teams and organizations
- Designing interactive development processes
- Allowing tensions and working with differences
- Mirroring concepts and reality against each other again and again
Procedures and methods
Program: more extensive challenges may require a number of concerted projects and actions. Often, it’s about organizational fitness, efficiency, excellence. A program provides the bracket, ensures overall goal setting, efficient coordination, and sharing of best practices.
Project: More complex, time-limited projects are set up and carried out as projects. The methods, organizational forms and working methods of project management are used. The project management lies with the client, the consultants act as co-pilots and coaches. The development of content-related problem solving and project management skills go hand in hand.
Coaching: One-on-one counseling of people at work, discussing current conflicts or difficult decisions, personal characteristics, behaviors, and opportunities. Coaching is a proven support method, focuses on the professional role of the client, is based on confidentiality and is help for self-help.
Training: When it comes to teaching management skills, more than a theoretical seminar is required. Participants look for competencies and solutions for current or upcoming situations in the organization. Insights into the interrelationships of problems and behavioral options emerge through concrete case work.
Workshop: In the group, issues come to the table that need a joint solution. This can be a project kick-off, a management retreat, a team conflict, a creative session, or an important exchange of information and experience. The end result is a group-shared understanding of what the solution path looks like and what actions need to be taken.
Review: In collaboration with the client, critical strategies, processes, projects, situations are evaluated. Where is the problem? Why is the performance not right? What are the enabling and inhibiting forces? Where are the levers for improvement seen? At the end there is a development and action plan.
Mandate and cooperation
“What can we expect when we work with HLP?”
Order negotiations: Our first meeting serves to clarify the task, to explore possible approaches and possible solutions – and to get to know each other in our cooperation. In this way, we create the basis for a qualified quotation.
Offer: Our offers set out the initial situation and objectives, the approach and organization, the HLP support and the fees. On this basis you make your decision.
Consulting procedure and processes: We start the work together with your team, agree on the approach, reflect on the results, adjust the next steps. We bill monthly with a transparent description of our work.
Evaluation: The results are documented. A project evaluation helps both sides to record learning points. If interested, our clients participate in HLP information circles and networks to exchange information on current management topics with colleagues from different industries beyond the project.