

Mat­thias Hirzel
HLP Hirzel & Partner
Gries­heimer Ufer 31
D‑65933 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Mobile: 0172 6 71 14 90




Respon­sible according to § 5 TMG:

Mat­thias Hirzel, HLP Hirzel & Partner


Lia­bility for content

The con­tents of our pages were created with the utmost care. However, we cannot gua­rantee the accuracy, com­ple­teness and time­liness of the content. As a service pro­vider, we are respon­sible for our own content on these pages under the general laws according to § 7 para.1 TMG. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, however, we are not obli­gated as a service pro­vider to monitor trans­mitted or stored third-party infor­mation or to inve­stigate cir­cum­stances that indicate illegal activity. Obli­ga­tions to remove or block the use of infor­mation under the general laws remain unaf­fected. However, lia­bility in this regard is only pos­sible from the point in time at which a con­crete infrin­gement of the law becomes known. If we become aware of such infrin­ge­ments, we will remove this content immediately.

Lia­bility for links

Our offer con­tains links to external web­sites of third parties, on whose con­tents we have no influence. The­refore, we cannot assume any lia­bility for these external con­tents. The respective pro­vider or ope­rator of the pages is always respon­sible for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for pos­sible legal vio­la­tions at the time of linking. Illegal con­tents were not reco­gnizable at the time of linking. However, a per­manent control of the con­tents of the linked pages is not rea­sonable without con­crete evi­dence of a vio­lation of the law. If we become aware of any infrin­ge­ments, we will remove such links immediately.


The content and works created by the site ope­rators on these pages are subject to German copy­right law. The repro­duction, editing, dis­tri­bution and any kind of explo­itation outside the limits of copy­right require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Down­loads and copies of this site are only per­mitted for private, non-com­mercial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the ope­rator, the copy­rights of third parties are respected. In par­ti­cular, third-party content is iden­tified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copy­right infrin­gement, please inform us accord­ingly. If we become aware of any infrin­ge­ments, we will remove such content immediately.

Footage (film and image stock): Image rights: HLP Hirzel & Partner / iStock: istock­photo-1184811741, istock­photo-1171029836, istock­photo-1177967778, istock­photo-1178274090, istock­photo-1161358635, istockphoto-1036135778