Who do we work for?

Com­pre­hensive exchange of experience

Our clients include leading orga­niz­a­tions from all indu­stries that want to realize a new way of working, a new con­stel­lation, a new per­for­mance by deve­loping their management competence.

Under­standing the spe­cifics and customs of the industry is the basis of con­sulting. But if you want to align your per­for­mance with the best, e.g. in the inno­vation process, in pro­cu­rement management, in per­sonnel deve­lo­pment or in customer dialog, you have to look outside your industry more often.

HLP works in a wide range of indu­stries and con­tribute to an over­ar­ching exchange of experience.


Indu­stries (selection)

  • Auto­motive and suppliers
  • Banks, insurance companies
  • Con­struction industry with suppliers
  • Che­mical, pharmaceutical
  • Service pro­viders
  • Energy supply
  • Research
  • Trade, machinery, equipment
  • Infor­mation tech­nology, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions, media
  • Con­sumer goods industry
  • Aero­space industry
  • Mechanics, optics, elec­trical engineering
  • Non­profit organizations
  • Public admi­ni­stration



Mastering chal­lenges together

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