HLP Hirzel & Partner Management Consultants

Our approach

Becoming part of your deve­lo­pment pro­cesses instead of deli­vering ready-made products

Pro­viding impetus for our customers

Our customers value us as an impulse gene­rator, deve­lo­pment partner and coach. The benchmark for the success of our work is the long-term com­pe­ti­ti­veness and pro­fi­ta­bility of the client organization.

We are neither better experts nor better managers than our clients. We support orga­niz­a­tional deve­lo­pment from the role of an external partner, with respect for the skills and know­ledge of our clients.

This includes equal eye level, courage to give cri­tical feedback, appro­priate con­fron­tation as well as an open approach to our own con­sulting pos­si­bi­lities and limitations.


Management makes the difference 

Company & concept

All partners of the HLP­group have been suc­cess­fully advising com­panies in the private sector as well as public and social insti­tu­tions for more than 20 years.

Dif­ferent pro­fes­sions work tog­ether in the HLP­group. Business eco­no­mists and eco­no­mists, engi­neers and natural sci­en­tists, psy­cho­lo­gists, pedagogues, phi­lo­so­phers and theo­lo­gians. This wide range of pro­fes­sions has been deli­ber­ately deve­loped. It enables us to implement our con­sulting claim and to build up internal knowledge.

The measure of success of our work

Our benchmark for success is the long-term com­pe­ti­ti­veness and pro­fi­ta­bility of the client orga­niz­ation. Our clients value us as a source of inspi­ration and advice on the stra­tegic direction of their business, the design of their pro­cesses, the pro­fes­sio­na­liz­ation of their project work, and the impro­vement of lea­dership and col­la­bo­ration. Short-term ori­ented crisis management is not our com­pe­tence. Our con­sulting approach is based on sustainable, also per­spective-ori­ented deve­lo­pment and change.

What makes us stand out

A special cha­rac­te­ristic of our con­sulting is the inte­gration of metho­do­lo­gical com­pe­tence and beha­vioral com­pe­tence. Over the years, we have deve­loped our con­sulting com­pe­tence beyond training to con­crete company-related problem solutions.


Our com­ple­mentary range of con­sul­tants and con­sulting is based on the needs

Partner team

The spectrum of con­sulting ser­vices is focused on deter­mining the stra­tegic concept for business and per­for­mance areas, deve­loping com­pe­titive advan­tages, orga­nizing business pro­cesses, imple­menting complex inno­va­tions with inno­vation and project management, ori­enting management and teams to the goals of the company, as well as sup­porting the change process and incre­asing performance.


Customers about HLP

“Yesterday your col­league was with us, today you – two per­so­na­lities from one house. I expe­rience HLP con­sul­tants as very dif­ferent types who are united by a common attitude.” 

“What I appre­ciate about HLP is how the con­sul­tants proac­tively put them­selves in our shoes with an entre­pre­neurial attitude, in other words, how they seriously want to under­stand our situation – and yet maintain a pro­fes­sional distance that opens up space for new perspectives.” 

“I asso­ciate HLP con­sul­tants with a very pleasant blend of an almost unas­suming, unpre­ten­tious manner in appearance while main­taining high stan­dards of professionalism.”

„Das Ergebnis habe ich noch nicht ganz klar vor Augen, aber wenn wir es gemeinsam angehen, wird es gut.”

“It’s admi­rable to me that HLP enjoys a high level of accep­tance at very dif­ferent levels in our company – from the exe­cutive management and the stra­te­gi­cally acting board to the ope­ra­tional employee level.”

“It’s admi­rable to me that HLP enjoys a high level of accep­tance at very dif­ferent levels in our company – from the exe­cutive management and the stra­te­gi­cally acting board to the ope­ra­tional employee level.”

“We wanted a con­sultant for a dif­ficult project management. HLP con­vinced us to provide the project manager from our own ranks and offered to coach him. The learning effect was great, the project extremely successful.”

“We’re going to try it now without a con­sultant – it’s good to have you along.”



Mastering chal­lenges together

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