Know­ledge transfer – push or pull

How can know­ledge transfer con­tribute to cor­porate success? How can know­ledge and expe­rience be effec­tively trans­ferred into available know­ledge? How can the transfer of know­ledge be orga­nized effec­tively and effi­ci­ently? Which media are sui­table for the transfer and what is the driving force: push or pull?

Experts from business, science and con­sulting illu­minate various facets of know­ledge transfer and high­light their points of view.

HLP Management Dis­course:
Know­ledge transfer – push or pull
HLP Management Connex, Frankfurt am Main 2013
136 pages, 9,50 EURO
ISBN 978−3−00−042065−8

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